Ko te whakapai ake te tāwariwari o te tiaki pūtea i te Ratonga Taiohi Improving the flexibility of money management in the Youth Service

Under the Youth Service , we contract community-based service providers to work intensively with young people and provide a wrap-around service to support them into education, training or work-based learning. Youth coaches provide intensive, tailored support in the ways the young people most need it – for example, giving practical help with housing issues, identifying training opportunities, or preparing for job interviews.

We provide financial assistance via the Youth Payment (YP) and the Young Parent Payment (YPP) . There is also a voluntary service for 16- and 17-year-olds who are not in education, training or employment (NEET). 

A compulsory money management model has been in place for YP and YPP recipients since 2012 to ensure that the young person can meet their essential household needs and expenses while improving their financial capability. Obligations include having regular meetings with a Youth Service provider, being actively involved in full-time education, training or work-based learning, and completing a budgeting course. YPP recipients also need to complete a parenting course.

Young people can be taken off money management once they have demonstrated that they can successfully manage their finances and have complied with all their obligations. As part of the welfare overhaul work programme, we have been exploring ways to improve the flexibility of compulsory money management in the Youth Service.


  1. The Youth Service, which is hosted by Work and Income rather than MYD, targets young people who are at risk of long-term benefit dependency. It aims to help young people build an independent future and reduce their risk of going on to a working-age benefit, through achieving a qualification at NCEA Level 2 or higher and developing life skills.

  2. Payment for young people aged 16 or 17 years who are unable live with their parents or guardians.

  3. Payment for young people aged 16 to 19 years who are the main caregiver for a child.